Friday, February 1, 2008

Maria Rice: Board's Vote Not a Guarantee New Paltz Middle School will be Renovated

NEW PALTZ — In the face of a near-unanimous public appeal to renovate the middle school building, the New Paltz school board voted unanimously to explore doing just that Wednesday night.

But the board’s action isn’t a guarantee that the aged building, whose original structure was built in the 1930s, will become the final home for middle school students.

Superintendent Maria Rice said the decision will be based on exactly what engineers and architects discover when they explore the building, which includes a ’60s-era wing in far worse repair than the original structure.

1 comment:

Mike Russo said...

The New Paltz School District had the "seeking feedback" blog closed for comments. Also removed was the links that various people had to their personal websites. Considering the lively and useful commentary shared among many residents on that blog, I'm not too happy about the quickness of reaction by the NPSD to curtail the exchange.